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Choose your option!

What to you want me to do for you today?

  • Best Value

    Make me a painting

    I will make a painting for you and replicate it as close as possible to the picture that you want me to make!
    • 1 painting
    • Free Shipping
    • Can ship to anywhere in the US
  • Make me a video (Trial Run)

    I will make a decent video for you that is in 1080P at 60 frames per second. Please note that this is a trial run and the video can't be over 10 minutes.
    Free Plan
    • 1 video in 1080P Resolution at 60FPS
    • Sendable through Google Drive or on a USB Drive
    • DVD Friendly
    • Trial run, so it's free
  • Edit my photos

    I will edit all your photos, color correct them, take the grain and ugly out, and polish them up!
    • I will edit all your photos for you the way you want them
    • Quick and Simple
    • Sendable through Google Drive or a USB Drive
  • Burn a DVD/CD for me

    I will burn a customized DVD or CD for you! This includes home movies, photos and sound. Please note that I CANNOT copy movies, TV shows, music and photos that are copyrighted on customized discs!
    • 1 burned DVD/CD per purchase
    • Cheaper to make then with USB drives
    • Can be used played on any DVD or CD player
    • Can't copy copyrighted movies, music and photos
    • Can ship to anywhere in the US
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